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Ten Days to A+ Grammar: Subject/Verb and Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement - Downloadable

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Author(s): Thurston, Cheryl Miller
Page Length: 105 pgs.
Copyright: 2011
Weight: 0.00 lbs.
Item Code: 308692
ISBN: 9781602492783

Improve your students' grammar in just 2 weeks using Ten Days to A+ Grammar!

Aligned with Common Core State Standards for grades 6-12, this series will save you valuable planning time and provide daily step-by-step guidance as you tackle various aspects of grammar in your classroom. Each set of plans covers one or two essential elements of English and provides you with 10 days of class material that can stand alone or be used as a supplement to reinforce your existing grammar curriculum.

  • Determine which specific skills your students need to work on by using the pre-test
  • Familiarize yourself and your students with daily objectives
  • Teach grammar concepts using step-by-step daily lessons, filled with examples, lecture notes, and questions designed to elicit class responses
  • Reinforce lessons with included in-class and homework assignments
  • Provide extra practice using additional quizzes for each topic
  • Demonstrate student improvement through the post-test

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