Vocabulary Resources for the Georgia K-12 Standards

Help students in the Peach State become better readers and writers with effective and engaging vocabulary resources.

Georgia K-12 Standards for ELA

Rethinking Literacy Learning in Georgia’s Schools

Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, the Georgia Department of Education is implementing new ELA standards for grades K-12, replacing the current Georgia Standards of Excellence.

These new standards take a stronger, research-based approach to literacy instruction, with vocabulary—especially roots-based word analysis—a main focus area.

With these important changes, Georgia educators will need high-quality resources to support student success in the classroom.

At Prestwick House, we’re committed to helping teachers apply these new standards with trusted materials designed to build vocabulary, strengthen comprehension, and improve overall literacy skills.

How and Why Teaching Latin and Greek Roots Works

It’s easy to see why Georgia schools are embracing roots-based vocabulary instruction. Teaching Latin and Greek roots not only expands students' word knowledge but also gives them the tools to decode unfamiliar words, boosting comprehension across all subjects.

In this webinar, you’ll learn practical strategies to boost roots-based instruction in your classroom and discover how Prestwick House’s best-selling vocabulary programs can support both your teaching and your students' success.

Growing Your Vocabulary (Grades 4-6)

If students are introduced to word roots when they’re young, they'll have a significant advantage when it comes to reading complex texts later in life.

Created for the upper elementary classroom, Growing Your Vocabulary introduces new words alongside related Latin and Greek roots, helping upper elementary students understand the conventions of word formation.

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Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots (Grades 7-12)

Strong writers, advanced readers, and successful students all share two key skills: a rich vocabulary and the ability to decode new words quickly. Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots equips students with the tools to develop both.

Grounded in research-based strategies, this comprehensive program helps middle and high school students discover how thousands of words connect through common Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

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Other Vocabulary Programs

Vocabulary Power Plus (Grades 4-12)

This series takes a direct approach to vocabulary instruction as supported by the science of reading, ensuring that students retain the words they learn.

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Vocabulary Power Plus Online (Grades 9-12)

Strengthen high school students' vocabulary skills with greater efficiency compared to traditional classroom instruction with this digital program.

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Vocabulary for the College Bound (Grades 7-12)

Trusted by teachers for over 25 years, Vocabulary for the College Bound will help students of all ability levels hone their word-deciphering skills.

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