The epic tale of Odysseus’ ten-year journey after the defeat of Troy is at once a thrilling adventure story, a passionate love story, and a fantasy rooted in ancient history. It is also the cornerstone on which much of Western literature and thought is based, making it an integral part of any classroom library.
With this The Odyssey Response Journal, you’ll have an amazing selection of writing prompts for every chapter in the book right at your fingertips.
Help your students form and express their own opinions with these personal writing prompts and essay topics.
This Response Journal will help you:
- prepare dozens of fun, ready-made journal topics that students will love;
- start every day with a quick reading response activity;
- give your students the perfect opportunity to develop good grammar habits.
Great teachers help their students focus on writing. With Prestwick House’s Response Journals, your students will:
- Learn to develop their own unique writing voice;
- Become confident in voicing their opinions;
- Build a personal connection to literature.
This is the pdf downloadable version of this Response Journal.
For the print booklet version, click here.
For the package of 30 paperback books plus Response Journal, click here.