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Prestwick House Interactive Trivia Challenge: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Power Presentation


Retail Price: $29.99

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Author(s): Neale, Zora
Page Length: 152 slides
Copyright: 2012
Weight: 0.18 lbs.
Item Code: 309023
ISBN: 9781620190395
Give your students a fun, interactive way to examine the novels and dramas they read! Prestwick House Trivia Challenge makes it easy to get students involved when you review material before an end-of-unit test, perform a reading check, hand out extra credit points, or simply reward students for finishing a book using competitive learning. This Jeopardy-like, digital quiz game is guaranteed to get your students out of their seats and participating as you test both reading comprehension and recall in a way that will keep them motivated. Presented in easy-to-use PowerPoint™, each game consists of three rounds with twenty regular questions and one bonus question. Perfect for use with your classroom whiteboard, each is presented on CD-ROM with PDF instructions and is available for both PC and Mac.

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