Pygmalion - 30 Books and Multiple Critical Perspectives


Retail Price: $169.69

Our Price: $94.84

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Author(s): Shaw, George Bernard
Page Length: 51 pgs.
Copyright: 2011
Weight: 10.21 lbs.
Item Code: 308682
ISBN: 9781935468615

Pygmalion is the story of Henry Higgins and his quest to teach unkempt Eliza Doolittle proper language and manners so she may appear to be a duchess.

This package includes 30 copies of Pygmalion automatically upgraded to our highest discount and a copy of the Multiple Critical Perspectives reproducible.

This Multiple Critical Perspectives resource for Pygmalion comes with:

  • Feminist Theory;
  • Formalist Theory; and
  • Marxist Theory.

Studying a literary text from a variety of critical perspectives is a great way to open students' minds, help them find a personal connection to a work of literature, and kindle a lifelong passion for the works that you love to teach.

These ready-to-use, reproducible guides will help you introduce your students to literary theory, exposing them to the Feminist, Freudian, Archetypal, Marxist, Formalist, and New Historicist approaches.

Each unit introduces three of these approaches and provides activities to examine the work you are studying from each perspective.

Close reading exercises, classroom discussion opportunities, and thought-provoking writing assignments will inspire your students at any level to actively think about what they are reading in new and engaging ways.

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