Tale of Two Cities, A - 30 Books and Complete Teacher's Kit

Literary Touchstone Classic


Retail Price: $464.65

Our Price: $299.58

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Author(s): Dickens, Charles
Copyright: 2005
Weight: 32.91 lbs.
Item Code: 305030
ISBN: 9781935464181
For the new teacher, Prestwick House's extensive line of title-specific Teaching Units may serve as a starting point. For the experienced teacher, the Unit may serve as a point of departure. Our aim is to save you time and energy while alleviating the frustration associated with teaching a new book. Each Unit identifies scholarly objectives and poses questions designed to develop mastery of those objectives. Our multiple-choice and essay tests are constructed to determine understanding of those objectives. Every unit includes brief introductory materials, a vocabulary list with definitions, questions for essay and discussion, a chapter-by-chapter study guide, and a multiple-choice and essay test. For maximum convenience and savings, this package contains a class set of 30 paperbacks plus a Prestwick House Teaching Unit.

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