Handmaid's Tale, The - 30 Books and Complete Teacher's Kit


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Author(s): Atwood, Margaret
Copyright: 2009
Weight: 18.87 lbs.
Item Code: 303726
ISBN: 9781608439126

Are you looking for ways to differentiate instruction in your classroom? Complete Teacher’s Kits make it easy to teach each student in the way that he or she learns best. Whether students thrive on direct instruction, giving personal responses, or by participating in exciting activities, there’s a solution in each Complete Teacher’s Kit for everyone. You’ll save countless hours preparing teaching materials, and you’ll also save some money — the Kits cost less than buying individual teaching guides.
Each Complete Teacher’s Kit contains a Teaching Unit, an Activity Pack, and a Response Journal, and select titles also come with Headlines Posters.
More Complete Teacher's Kits are available online at prestwickhouse.com.

Here’s what you’ll get in every Complete Teacher’s Kit:

Activity Pack
You want some fun activities that actually help you teach literature? These aren’t time-wasters—they meet legitimate learning objectives while letting your students unleash their creative forces. Activities include dramatizations, role-playing, mapmaking, charting, and much more.

Response Journal
Some of your students might have trouble making an emotional connection to the book they’re reading. Help them out with dozens of writing prompts that encourage them to write from a character’s perspective, relate the plot to their own lives, offer advice, and more—and all the writing prompts are directly related to the book.

Teaching Unit
Other students will benefit from a more traditional approach. With each Teaching Unit, you’ll get a guide that covers all the important aspects of a work of literature. Learning objectives give you a structure around which to plan your lessons, and chapter-by-chapter study questions promote close reading.

Best of all, you’ll save $10.94 versus buying these guides separately.

And Kits for select titles also include …
Headlines posters
If you have some visual learners, give Headlines posters a try. Each poster looks like a (fictional) newspaper, and the headlines, articles, and pictures all explore some aspect of the book’s plot, characters, or themes. Hang them on your walls or have your students examine them together as a class activity.

And if you buy a Complete Teacher’s Kit that includes Headlines posters, you’ll save $14.93. That’s super-smart shopping.

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