E-Z English

Fifth Edition


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Author(s): Diamond, Harriet and Phyllis Dutwin
Page Length: 291 pgs
Copyright: 2009
Weight: 1.50 lbs.
Item Code: 204495
ISBN: 9780764142604
ISBN-10: 0764119753
Tired of those language texts that confuse cuteness with effectiveness? Looking for a few handy tests to diagnose your students' needs (and then some exercises to help overcome them)? This is the book for you. English the Easy Way is designed for serious, mature students who want to improve their English usage without a lot of "stuff and bother." It's for the teacher looking for some good diagnostic tests and clear instruction without gimmickry and gadgetry. With its lucid explanations and tests that simulate many high-stakes language and writing assessments, this book will become the cornerstone of your language arts instruction.

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