Canterbury Tales, The - Approaches
Author(s): |
Chaucer, Geoffrey |
Editor: |
Gibaldi, Joseph (ed.) |
Page Length: |
175 pgs |
Copyright: |
1980 |
Weight: |
0.94 lbs. |
Item Code: |
204139 |
9780873524759 |
ISBN-10: |
0873524756 |
Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series Although written by college professors for other college professors, these books are not the dry-as-dust scholarly essays you've read in some texts. I found the essays I have read to be lively, informative comments, detailing how each of the writers approached the teaching of a particular book in a classroom. While these books are not detailed teaching units, they are positories of useful ideas for teaching high school literature classes. These books are paperbacks, and each title costs $20.95