Paradise Lost

Dover Thrift Edition


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Author(s): Milton, John
Page Length: 480 pgs
Copyright: 2005
Weight: 0.75 lbs.
Item Code: 204129
ISBN: 9780486442877
ISBN-10: 048644287X

From almost the moment of its publication in 1667, Paradise Lost was considered a classic. It is difficult now to appreciate both how audacious an undertaking it represents, and how astonishing its immediate and continued success was.

In writing Paradise Lost, Milton intended to "justify the ways of God to men"; the end result is an epic poem in twelve books, a drama drawn from spiritual sources. The struggle between God, the Son, and Satan is played out across Hell, Heaven, and Earth, but the consequences of the Fall — stemming from Satan's irrepressible arrogance — are all too humanly tragic.

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