Scholastic Journalism
12th Edition
Author(s): |
Rolnicki, Tom E. |
Page Length: |
433 pgs |
Copyright: |
2001 |
Weight: |
3.19 lbs. |
Item Code: |
202546 |
9780470659342 |
ISBN-10: |
9781405144162 |
Scholastic Journalism is THE text you need if you want to produce an eye-catching—maybe even an award-winning—school publication. Every model and example (and there are a LOT of excellent ones) is from an actual high-school newspaper or yearbook and illustrates how topics and issues most important to high school students can be treated in a professional manner. While I wouldn't recommend this book to a novice journalism teacher or student, a running program can be greatly improved following the advice and instruction in this book.