This intriguing novel, both fantasy-thriller and moral allegory, depicts the struggle of two opposing personalities—one essentially good, the other evil—for the soul of one man. While it is a classic novel most of your students have heard of, it’s likely they have not had the experience of reading Stevenson’s fast-paced prose, which brilliantly depicts Jekyll’s transformation.
Our Literary Touchstone Classics are unabridged, complete texts, and come with unbelievable prices. Each book is a value-priced, high-quality trade paperback, which you will receive for at least 50% off retail.
Your students will benefit from:
- Reading pointers highlighting themes and providing background;
- Line numbers and sidebar notes in every Shakespeare play;
- A glossary defining difficult vocabulary and allusions;
- Prices so low that students can annotate their own books.
Sturdy bindings, premium paper, and American-made construction are always used to ensure you get the most out of your Literary Touchstone Classic, perfect for any classroom or library.