Each month, we share five things we love as part of our Footnotes Newsletter. Dive into our June 2024 edition to discover the latest English language arts resources, articles, and other gems that we think you should see!

1. The Worst Dads in All of Literature: An Incomplete List

Father’s Day may be a few weeks behind us, but that won’t stop us from thinking about the dads of the literary world. And while many have gone above and beyond for their (fictional) kids, others are definitely not winning Father of the Year anytime soon. See some of the worst at Literary Hub!

2. Why Literacy Matters: 6 Smart Strategies for Student Success

This summer, educator Leah Cleary is doing a blog series on why literacy matters and how to improve these skills in the classroom. This first post introduces the six strategies she’ll focus on, including close reading, note-taking, and annotation.

3. Poetry Whispers

Bringing poetry into the classroom is a delightful way to spark a love for creative writing. In this article for Writers Who Care, Kim Douillard shares how she introduces poetry to younger students throughout the school year. Each week, students explore and interpret poems, then create their own, eventually compiling a personal Poetry Anthology by summertime.

4. One of the World’s Most Famous Writers

Although it’s been over 700 years since his death, we’re still celebrating the works of Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi, one of history’s greatest poets. This animated video for TED-Ed beautifully explores Rumi’s journey as a scholar, writer, and theologian.

5. Why Even Learn Things Anymore?

Thanks to the internet, it’s never been easier to find answers to virtually any question you can imagine. But some believe that convenience comes at a price: a loss of critical thinking skills. In this video, science Youtuber Joe Scott argues why it’s still important to seek knowledge and think for yourself, even as computers grow more intelligent.