Each month, we share five things we love as part of our Footnotes Newsletter. Dive into our May 2024 edition to discover the latest English language arts resources, articles, and other gems that we think you should see!

1. Why Writing by Hand Beats Typing for Thinking and Learning

With AI-based cheating on the rise, teachers sometimes joke about making students write essays by hand. But did you know that handwriting provides scientifically-proven learning benefits that typing just can’t replace? Learn more about handwriting and its unmatched impact on reading comprehension, fine motor skills, and critical thinking in this report by NPR.

2. Build Your Bookshelf: Young Adults Literature and Their Maps

Have you ever opened a novel to find a map printed in the front matter? These bonuses make it easier to render a story’s place in our minds. In this Moving Writers article, see how you can use maps to help students imagine stories from a new vantage point and develop their visual literacy skills.

3. The Importance of Media Literacy in This (and in Every) Moment

In a world of misinformation and biased reporting, it’s often hard to take anything we see, hear, and read at face value. At The Educator Collaborative, high school social studies teacher Christie Nold explains why media literacy matters from a historian’s perspective and offers lesson suggestions based on real media coverage, such as the recent college campus protests.

4. Do These 5 Easy Things to Reclaim Your Summer Break

Like many teachers, YouTuber MrsPTarleton used to spend her whole summer break prepping for the fall—until she came up with a new strategy. Watch her quick video for tips on planning for the next school year without sacrificing your valuable time off!

5. Teachers, Here’s Your Summer 2024 Anti-Bucket List

So, you’ve followed the advice in that last video and are ready for summer break! Now what? Everyone has different plans, from relaxing at home and indulging in hobbies to spending quality time with family and friends. But there are some activities that shouldn’t even cross your mind during your time off. At We Are Teachers, one educator shares their summer break “anti-bucket list” of things they’re absolutely not doing. See anything relatable?