When it comes to literature, teaching the classics is important. But it’s a good idea to add contemporary titles to your curriculum, too, especially if your students sometimes have trouble connecting with older texts.

That’s why we created the Discovering Literature collection, a curated selection of noteworthy books that are capturing the attention of teachers and students across the country.

In our first digest of 2022, students can step into the shoes of characters trying to find their voice in Nikki Grimes’s prose and verse novel, or follow the journey of children searching for familial ties in Reyna Grande’s heart-wrenching memoir. They can also travel back in time to the turbulent 1960s with historical fiction works by Rita Williams-Garcia and Sonia Manzano. No matter which book they choose, readers will find gripping stories that examine the effects of family, culture, and community in shaping one’s identity.

Find even more exciting books in the Discovering Literature collection!