Each month, we share five things we love as part of our Footnotes Newsletter. Take a look at some of our favorite English language arts resources, articles, podcasts, and more we found in February!
1. Podcast Playlist - 10 Podcasts for Innovative Educators
Entertaining and educational, podcasts are a great way to learn more about the world while on the go. In this blog post, educator Lisa Nielsen presents ten of her favorite podcast recommendations for fellow teachers, including The 10-Minute Teacher Podcast, Mic Drop, EdSurge, and more!
2. 5 YA Novels by Black Authors to Add to Your Classroom Library
Building an inclusive reading selection for your classroom library is beneficial for students of all backgrounds. So what books should you add? At her blog, high school teacher Christina presents five of her favorite book suggestions, all of which are written by Black authors and feature Black characters.
3. Fun Activities for Snowy Days
Do you have winter weather heading your way? Encourage your students to log off and go outside with these snow day activities suggested by educator Richard Byrne of Free Technology for Teachers.
4. Ways to Use Novel Studies in Upper Elementary ELA Class
Teaching literature is fun at every level of learning! Martina Cahill at The Hungry Teacher offers different ways to incorporate novels into your upper elementary and middle school curricula and foster a love for literature in students of all ages.
5. Favorite Books on My Classroom Bookshelf
Over on her YouTube channel, English teacher Megan DuVarney Forbes takes viewers on a tour of her expansive middle school classroom library. In this review video, you’ll see all of the books both Megan and her students love, many of which are available at Prestwick House!