With more than 425 articles and resources posted over the last four years, the Prestwick House blog has become a go-to resource for middle school and high school English teachers. We've put up dozens of free teaching resources like crossword puzzles, posters for your classroom, and lesson plans, added 125+ in-depth literature teaching guides for classic novels and new favorites, and shared best practices and popular trends in vocabulary, grammar and writing, reading, and literature instruction.
We’re excited to share some useful upgrades to our blog that make it even easier for you to get the knowledge and inspiration you need in order to be the best teacher you can be.
Quickly find what you’re looking for
You’ll notice a new navigation atop our blog feed. All of our articles have been appropriately tagged and sorted using this new function. Simply click on the category that you are interested in, and you’ll see a streamlined feed of articles pertaining to a specific topic.
See what other teachers are enjoying
Alongside this new category navigation, we’ve also made sure to include an easy way to view the most popular and other featured articles from our blog.
Never miss a post!
Maybe the most important update to our new blog is the ability to subscribe. Just select your topic(s) of interest, and you’ll receive an email notification when a new resource is added. This way, you’ll be one of the first to know when a relevant resource has been added.
Explore the new Prestwick House blog.