Dystopian literature, especially of the young-adult variety, has exploded in popularity in recent years. Are you considering teaching these kinds of books? Already teaching dystopian literature? Share your favorites in the comments below.
Totalitarian Government • Censorship • Surveillance State • Culture of Fear • Erasure of History
Orwell's speculation on government's ability to control citizens is still relevant today, and the book continues to be a favorite in schools.
The Handmaid's Tale
Totalitarian Government • Feminist Theory • Surveillance State • Theocratic State
Told from the perspective of one downtrodden handmaid whose sole purpose is to reproduce, Atwood’s 1985 novel will be sure to spark classroom discussions and student responses.
Brave New World
Population Control • Anti-intellectualism • Constant Consumption • Entertainment as Escapism
Originally published in 1932, Brave New World depicts a dystopian future in which humans are genetically designed and are willing to go along with an authoritarian government.
Fahrenheit 451
Totalitarian Government • Censorship • Anti-intellectualism • Entertainment as Escapism
Bradbury's surreal tale of a dystopian future where reading is eschewed and firemen start blazes to burn books is one of science fiction's enduring classics.
The Giver
Totalitarian Government • Erasure of History • Descruction of Individuality
The Giver is an interesting read with significant topics for discussion, such as whether sameness is good and suffering is bad and how tradition can be used as a controlling mechanism in society.
The Hunger Games
Totalitarian Government • Extreme Economic Inequality • Reality Television
This dystopian novel set in the not-so-distant future is filled with fast-paced action and suspense that will enthrall readers from the first few pages.
The Time Machine
Class Struggles • Marxist Theory • Mythological/Archetypal Theory • Decadence of the Upper Class
H. G. Wells’s famous novel can be taught as pure science fiction, as a classic frame narrative, or as social commentary.
Lord of the Flies
Anarchy • The Brutal Nature of Humanity • Society as Good Influence
The unconventional plot, the soaring language, and the complex symbolism within this harrowing story make Golding's masterpiece one of the most important books your classes will read.
Ready Player One
Economic Collapse • Escapism into Virtual Worlds • Exhaustion of Natural Resources
A rollicking adventure set in a dystopian future, Ready Player One is the story of a teenager who spends most of his free time in a virtual reality playground that offers him a more fulfilling life than does the physical world.
Post-Apocalyspe • Rigid Social Classes • Persecution of the Different
This dystopian thriller, filled with life-changing decisions, heartbreaking betrayals, and unexpected romance, is a favorite in classrooms nationwide.