We're hard at work on the next book in our Reading Literature series, Reading Literature Level 12, intended for 12th grade.
Level 12 includes six short stories and six poems that will be sure to challenge your students and help their appreciation for great literature further blossom as they prepare to head off into the great unknown after graduation.
Every text is annotated, ensuring that students have the support they need to deal with tough language, old vocabulary, esoteric allusions, and other aspects of literary texts that might hamper their ability to derive meaning from these essential works.
That isn't to say Reading Literature Level 12 eliminates the challenge of reading and understanding these texts. Far from it! After all, out of challenge comes growth. Every short-answer question in this book asks your students to analyze the text, requiring them to call upon everything they've learned to explain how authors use various literary devices to powerful effect. This is no mere jaunt through plot points.
If you want to see what other books in the series are like, click the button below to download a sample from the Teacher's Edition of Reading Literature Level 10. All you have to do is sign up for our email list, and you can unsubscribe anytime.
A small sampling of texts from Reading Literature Level 12
Short Stories
- Bartleby the Scrivener — Herman Melville
- Rappaccini's Daughter — Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Regret — Kate Chopin
- Ode on a Grecian Urn — John Keats
- A Poem of Changgan — Li Po
- A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning — John Donne