150 Great Books for Independent Reading
Author(s): |
Helms, Bonnie A. |
Page Length: |
456 pgs |
Copyright: |
2000 |
Weight: |
2.43 lbs. |
Item Code: |
200598 |
9780825011634 |
ISBN-10: |
0825011635 |
While independent reading is an essential component of every student's education, how does the classroom teacher monitor what every student is reading without adding endless hours to an overextended schedule? 150 Great Books is the answer, providing quizzes and tests (many of which require essays) for 150 great books, including The Red Badge of Courage, Great Expectations, The Catcher in the Rye, and many more. If your students select a book you're not familiar with, there's a synopsis, answer key, and guidelines for scoring the essays. I can't imagine an easier way to monitor and assess your students' independent reading.