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Oedipus Rex - Downloadable AP Teaching Unit

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Author(s): Sophocles
Page Length: 59 pgs.
Copyright: 2007
Weight: 0.00 lbs.
Item Code: 302800
ISBN: 9781603893503
ISBN-10: 9781603890281
Create your perfect AP* Literature curriculum and give your students a competitive advantage on the AP* exam with Prestwick House AP* Teaching Units! Save hours of prep time with these guides packed with ready-to-use resources to guide your students through a close, critical, and analytical study of the plays and novels most likely to appear on the Advanced Placement exam in English Literature and Composition. Every title-specific Prestwick House AP* Teaching Unit: •Allows teachers at any level to effortlessly teach new titles like an expert •Saves class time by combining test prep with the literature you’re already teaching •Prepares students for what to expect on test day through free response and multiple choice questions modeled after the exam •Draws student attention to important details with in-depth lecture notes on themes, motifs, symbols, author techniques, and historical context •Focuses students so they can evaluate and analyze literature using the chapter-by-chapter study guide •Helps students to focus in on the type of literary knowledge expected by the College Board and offers essential practice with the facets of literature that appear on the exam year after year through end-of-unit multiple choice and essay items *AP, Pre-AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse, these products

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